Blessing for the New Poetry Year
Eric Raanan Fischman
Blessed are the bone-havers,
the meat-sleepers, the shirt un-
tuckers, blessed are the hoof-
stompers, the paw-pirates, bless-
ed are the wild onions and the
domestic, blessed are the fruits
of the cage, blessed are the bar-
breakers, the bowl-packers, the
conscientious objects, blessed
are the tune-sniffers, the shit-
flushers, blessed are the blood,
blessed are the tomb, blessed
the long avenues of dust, the
failing teeth, the singing moon,
blessed are the awkward, the
regal, the fanatic, blessed are
the worm-talkers, blessed are
the violets, blessed the river ants
clinging on their log, blessed are
this moment and the next one
and the next, blessed are the
drying eyes, the flashing leaves,
the sun and all its shadows, ble-
ssed are the nurses, the mothers,
the lovers’ endless forms, if
you don’t see your name above
you are blessed, if the stars in
your cells remain uncatalogued
you are blessed, whine you are
blessed, bark you are blessed,
matter blessed, vibration blessed,
twenty-three and thee, blessed be
Eric Raanan Fischman
Blessed are the bone-havers,
the meat-sleepers, the shirt un-
tuckers, blessed are the hoof-
stompers, the paw-pirates, bless-
ed are the wild onions and the
domestic, blessed are the fruits
of the cage, blessed are the bar-
breakers, the bowl-packers, the
conscientious objects, blessed
are the tune-sniffers, the shit-
flushers, blessed are the blood,
blessed are the tomb, blessed
the long avenues of dust, the
failing teeth, the singing moon,
blessed are the awkward, the
regal, the fanatic, blessed are
the worm-talkers, blessed are
the violets, blessed the river ants
clinging on their log, blessed are
this moment and the next one
and the next, blessed are the
drying eyes, the flashing leaves,
the sun and all its shadows, ble-
ssed are the nurses, the mothers,
the lovers’ endless forms, if
you don’t see your name above
you are blessed, if the stars in
your cells remain uncatalogued
you are blessed, whine you are
blessed, bark you are blessed,
matter blessed, vibration blessed,
twenty-three and thee, blessed be