Calendar Man
Eric Raanan Fischman
What is tomorrow is it the day
that was your father was
your sister what day will reach
the smiling coast the day
of drums or the day of grass
your days will drink your yes
terdays and dream tomorrows
of quilts like white canaries
or clouds is it your birthday
maybe or why can’t I remember
tomorrow is an X in every
city a day like fallen brothers
a day like a dress rehearsal
for another day which could
come any day now be ready is it
Doris Day, Morris Day, a whole
forest fire of days a Mercury
of days the day you left the Ten
Days of Repentance give to
day and want to morrow a day
that sits on the back front porch
legs dangling like the flat earth
sun burning through its pocket
like a coin
Eric Raanan Fischman
What is tomorrow is it the day
that was your father was
your sister what day will reach
the smiling coast the day
of drums or the day of grass
your days will drink your yes
terdays and dream tomorrows
of quilts like white canaries
or clouds is it your birthday
maybe or why can’t I remember
tomorrow is an X in every
city a day like fallen brothers
a day like a dress rehearsal
for another day which could
come any day now be ready is it
Doris Day, Morris Day, a whole
forest fire of days a Mercury
of days the day you left the Ten
Days of Repentance give to
day and want to morrow a day
that sits on the back front porch
legs dangling like the flat earth
sun burning through its pocket
like a coin