Dear Agony Aunt
Riya Reddy
A surmised collection of questions sent to the agony aunt in the basement of a high rise on 56 rue péché.
Dear Agony Aunt,
01. How do you take a bomb out to dinner?
a. How do you hold the smoking barrel of a gun as it weeps?
i. There can be love in this violence, can there not?
02 Does the self exist?
a. Do you think that everybody lives alone, in their heads?
i. Do you think there is a self, if it never stops acting?
03. She told me to trust her, is it raining?
a. Must I trust, in order to love?
i. Will the weather improve tomorrow?
04. Accept happiness, I am told - what if it is not eternal?
a. Is it meaningful if I do not fear its end?
i. Is it better to not think at all?
05. What thread should I use to sew a wounded soul?
a. How do I pry open the shell?
i. Does a corruption necessitate an invalidation?
06. Can you tell who my father was praying to that day? Not what he said he didn’t believe in?
a. Does God judge strangers?
i. Who should I blame, if a sin was forgotten?
07. Be awake to watch it burn, or sleep to ensure it does not scald me?
a. Is it still a home if there are no memories within its walls?
i. If it’s cold, can a heartbeat fossilize?
08. Changed my mind and my body, and yet I remain the same?
a. Where can I find a guide to living?
i. What’s the address of the place after this?
Riya Reddy
A surmised collection of questions sent to the agony aunt in the basement of a high rise on 56 rue péché.
Dear Agony Aunt,
01. How do you take a bomb out to dinner?
a. How do you hold the smoking barrel of a gun as it weeps?
i. There can be love in this violence, can there not?
02 Does the self exist?
a. Do you think that everybody lives alone, in their heads?
i. Do you think there is a self, if it never stops acting?
03. She told me to trust her, is it raining?
a. Must I trust, in order to love?
i. Will the weather improve tomorrow?
04. Accept happiness, I am told - what if it is not eternal?
a. Is it meaningful if I do not fear its end?
i. Is it better to not think at all?
05. What thread should I use to sew a wounded soul?
a. How do I pry open the shell?
i. Does a corruption necessitate an invalidation?
06. Can you tell who my father was praying to that day? Not what he said he didn’t believe in?
a. Does God judge strangers?
i. Who should I blame, if a sin was forgotten?
07. Be awake to watch it burn, or sleep to ensure it does not scald me?
a. Is it still a home if there are no memories within its walls?
i. If it’s cold, can a heartbeat fossilize?
08. Changed my mind and my body, and yet I remain the same?
a. Where can I find a guide to living?
i. What’s the address of the place after this?