Drew Pisarra
The breeze came but not to our benefit
for the plastic factory’s weathervane
had turned against us. We followed its arrow,
likely west, until we hit the riverbanks
where mallard ducks and pied billed grebes
bobbed blandly on oiled waves as clouds
of gnats haloed overhead. (They’d lost
their taste for inner-city nightlife.
Just like us, those birds, those bugs.)
Above, the skies were a luminous slate,
hiding God or an intergalactic standby
if the stars can be trusted. Eternal conflict!
Birth doesn’t mean to cause pain
but it can’t be helped. What a difficult
time it’s been. You can be the exiled Earl of Harlem;
I’ll be the banished Duke of Windsor Terrace.
What are we waiting for? More torture!
Apology extended. Apology accepted.
Apology meaningless. Apology: Sign here.
On second thought, mark with an X.
I promise this contract will not bind.
Drew Pisarra
The breeze came but not to our benefit
for the plastic factory’s weathervane
had turned against us. We followed its arrow,
likely west, until we hit the riverbanks
where mallard ducks and pied billed grebes
bobbed blandly on oiled waves as clouds
of gnats haloed overhead. (They’d lost
their taste for inner-city nightlife.
Just like us, those birds, those bugs.)
Above, the skies were a luminous slate,
hiding God or an intergalactic standby
if the stars can be trusted. Eternal conflict!
Birth doesn’t mean to cause pain
but it can’t be helped. What a difficult
time it’s been. You can be the exiled Earl of Harlem;
I’ll be the banished Duke of Windsor Terrace.
What are we waiting for? More torture!
Apology extended. Apology accepted.
Apology meaningless. Apology: Sign here.
On second thought, mark with an X.
I promise this contract will not bind.