New Feathers Anthology is an online literature and art magazine, published three times annually, with a year-end print anthology. We are interested in quality fiction, poetry, nonfiction, visual art, music, and short videos, imposing no restrictions on genre; however, we only accept written work that has not been previously published, whether in print or online.
We are open for submissions from February 1 to March 1 for our spring issue, June 1 to July 1 for our summer issue, and October 1 to November 1 for our winter issue.
All work must be electronically submitted to our editors through [email protected] with "Submission genre (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, music, video): Author Name, Title" in the subject line (as an example, "Fiction: Haruki Murakami, ‘After the Quake’"). Works of literature should be attached to the email as a .doc or .docx file. We suggest that literature submissions be formatted with 12 pt. Times New Roman type, and essays and short stories should be double spaced. Your file should contain no identifying information, as all submissions are read blindly by our editors. Include a cover letter in the body of the email with your first and last name, email address, mailing address, the title of your work(s), and a brief bio (100 words or less). If you have a project to promote or a website, include a few lines promoting your work and a link to your website.
Simultaneous submissions are accepted. If your submission has been accepted by another journal, however, please do us a favor and withdraw the piece by sending us an email at [email protected]. Allow four to six weeks for a decision.
Fiction and Nonfiction
We welcome literary fiction submissions of all forms, including those that incorporate experimental or genre elements. We are happy to consider self-contained excerpts of novels and long stories. In nonfiction, we welcome memoir, personal essay, lyric and experimental work, hybrid forms, new journalism and non-academic cultural criticism. Please limit fiction and nonfiction submissions to one story or essay, with a maximum of 4,000 words. For flash fiction or nonfiction, contributors may submit up to three works.
We are looking for fresh, original work that impresses us with its ideas, language, and technique, regardless of the form. When submitting, make sure that the line breaks, spacing, and other formal elements of your poem are correct. Please limit poetry submissions to one to five poems.
Works of visual art should be attached to an email as a .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, or .pdf file. We accept most forms of visual art (as photos); this includes photography, illustration, animation, sculpture, painting, ceramics, and drawing. Each artist can submit up to three pieces of visual art for consideration.
Since we are an online journal, we are excited to include short films (no more than twenty minutes). We are interested in both documentary and fictional work, of all types. Please attach videos in your email as an mp4, mpg, mov, or wmv file. If your file is too large to mail, contact the editors, and we will arrange a dropbox to upload your file.
Music should be attached to the email as an mp3 file or as an html code embed to a Soundcloud or Bandcamp file. We prefer a file, to avoid broken or changed links. Attach an image that you would like to include with the song. If your file is too large to mail, contact the editors, and we will arrange a dropbox to upload your file.
New Feathers Anthology acquires First Electronic Rights and Archival Rights for the work we publish in our magazine. We ask that you give permission for us to also publish your work in the year-end print anthology. All rights revert back to the author upon publication. If your work is later republished, we request you note its initial publication in New Feathers Anthology.
At this time we are unable to offer monetary payment to our contributors, but all contributors will be eligible for the New Feathers Award at the end of the year and will receive a print copy of the year-end anthology comprised of all works published during the year.
We are open for submissions from February 1 to March 1 for our spring issue, June 1 to July 1 for our summer issue, and October 1 to November 1 for our winter issue.
All work must be electronically submitted to our editors through [email protected] with "Submission genre (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, music, video): Author Name, Title" in the subject line (as an example, "Fiction: Haruki Murakami, ‘After the Quake’"). Works of literature should be attached to the email as a .doc or .docx file. We suggest that literature submissions be formatted with 12 pt. Times New Roman type, and essays and short stories should be double spaced. Your file should contain no identifying information, as all submissions are read blindly by our editors. Include a cover letter in the body of the email with your first and last name, email address, mailing address, the title of your work(s), and a brief bio (100 words or less). If you have a project to promote or a website, include a few lines promoting your work and a link to your website.
Simultaneous submissions are accepted. If your submission has been accepted by another journal, however, please do us a favor and withdraw the piece by sending us an email at [email protected]. Allow four to six weeks for a decision.
Fiction and Nonfiction
We welcome literary fiction submissions of all forms, including those that incorporate experimental or genre elements. We are happy to consider self-contained excerpts of novels and long stories. In nonfiction, we welcome memoir, personal essay, lyric and experimental work, hybrid forms, new journalism and non-academic cultural criticism. Please limit fiction and nonfiction submissions to one story or essay, with a maximum of 4,000 words. For flash fiction or nonfiction, contributors may submit up to three works.
We are looking for fresh, original work that impresses us with its ideas, language, and technique, regardless of the form. When submitting, make sure that the line breaks, spacing, and other formal elements of your poem are correct. Please limit poetry submissions to one to five poems.
Works of visual art should be attached to an email as a .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, or .pdf file. We accept most forms of visual art (as photos); this includes photography, illustration, animation, sculpture, painting, ceramics, and drawing. Each artist can submit up to three pieces of visual art for consideration.
Since we are an online journal, we are excited to include short films (no more than twenty minutes). We are interested in both documentary and fictional work, of all types. Please attach videos in your email as an mp4, mpg, mov, or wmv file. If your file is too large to mail, contact the editors, and we will arrange a dropbox to upload your file.
Music should be attached to the email as an mp3 file or as an html code embed to a Soundcloud or Bandcamp file. We prefer a file, to avoid broken or changed links. Attach an image that you would like to include with the song. If your file is too large to mail, contact the editors, and we will arrange a dropbox to upload your file.
New Feathers Anthology acquires First Electronic Rights and Archival Rights for the work we publish in our magazine. We ask that you give permission for us to also publish your work in the year-end print anthology. All rights revert back to the author upon publication. If your work is later republished, we request you note its initial publication in New Feathers Anthology.
At this time we are unable to offer monetary payment to our contributors, but all contributors will be eligible for the New Feathers Award at the end of the year and will receive a print copy of the year-end anthology comprised of all works published during the year.
Please do not send us writing or art generated by artificial intelligence. We are only interested in the creations of human intelligence and human effort.