A Rose by Any Other Pronoun
Heikki Huotari
That’s proprioception for you, London to Seattle via Greenland. You can’t lead
a deity beside still waters. You can’t give a scorpion a break. When subject to
rotation and reflection butterflies sit briefly on the knee. To pixilate is to partition
crudely. Your dish is my reprimand. No animals against their will and with
permission. Choose to have it all or have none. The squeaky phenomenon
demands an explanation. Explanation is unnecessary but a cause for celebration.
Give me enough rope. What an identity a nanosecond makes. I’ve made my color
statement. Maybe tape will go the way of string. There’s no beginning without
meaning to. I’m not an accident, you’re not an accident, we all are not an accident
and we dress up and down. If there’s no record of it it was random. I shall know
what hit me. What I worship I shall worship from within.
Heikki Huotari
That’s proprioception for you, London to Seattle via Greenland. You can’t lead
a deity beside still waters. You can’t give a scorpion a break. When subject to
rotation and reflection butterflies sit briefly on the knee. To pixilate is to partition
crudely. Your dish is my reprimand. No animals against their will and with
permission. Choose to have it all or have none. The squeaky phenomenon
demands an explanation. Explanation is unnecessary but a cause for celebration.
Give me enough rope. What an identity a nanosecond makes. I’ve made my color
statement. Maybe tape will go the way of string. There’s no beginning without
meaning to. I’m not an accident, you’re not an accident, we all are not an accident
and we dress up and down. If there’s no record of it it was random. I shall know
what hit me. What I worship I shall worship from within.