Second Noble Truth of Buddhism
Maria Berardi
Knowing being, this life, alive,
is but the flight of a swallow
through one open window
through a room
through another window, out–
that brief, that
all the wise ones say
we must know each moment as it comes
know as relationship
not as knowledge
so we do not miss it
so we do not miss our only life
and yet–
and yet–
it is impossible,
it is holding a tiny snowball,
at some point you feel its cold too much
and you drop it,
or you are distracted and it melts
in your hot greedy hand.
hello goodbye
welcome farewell
recognition release
impossible all there is
Second Noble Truth of Buddhism
Maria Berardi
Knowing being, this life, alive,
is but the flight of a swallow
through one open window
through a room
through another window, out–
that brief, that
all the wise ones say
we must know each moment as it comes
know as relationship
not as knowledge
so we do not miss it
so we do not miss our only life
and yet–
and yet–
it is impossible,
it is holding a tiny snowball,
at some point you feel its cold too much
and you drop it,
or you are distracted and it melts
in your hot greedy hand.
hello goodbye
welcome farewell
recognition release
impossible all there is